Hey lads! Isn't that cute? It just sounds so much better
than "guys." Lol. Hope you're enjoying the Florida heat! I must admit
that I missed that this past weekend. I was freezing for three days straight
and all I could think about was getting back to go to the beach! :)
Anyway, let me start with last
Monday! I work right across the street from the Bord Gais Energy Theatre. It's
this amazing building with really clever architecture that hosts renowned shows
such as Wicked. By a stroke of luck, I happened to obtain some tickets through the hotel! I
jumped at the opportunity because I had heard nothing but good things about the
theatre in general. I didn't even know what the show was, but I didn't mind.
Fun is fun, right? So, my friends and I set off to go see Black Coffee. It's an
Agatha Christie book, if you've ever heard of her. She's an English writer who
apparently does murder mysteries. The show was really cheesy
but still cute. I loved the easy punch lines and corny jokes. It was honestly
just a G rated, relaxed and enjoyable evening. Those kinds of nights are great
in my book! I'm glad I got to experience the Bord Gais (Pronounced gosh) during my stay here.
The rest of the week was pretty ordinary. Friday evening,
though, my coworker Shauna invited me to travel to her town and watch a hurling
match! Her boyfriend, Daniel, plays for the team and she thought I might enjoy
seeing an Irish sport in action! She was right, as it was definitely unlike
anything I had ever watched! Essentially, the sport is a mix between so many
others. It's like basketball because you can only take a certain amount of
steps while holding the ball. It's like football because it's played on a large
grassy field with goals on both ends. It's like soccer because you can kick the
ball when it's on the ground. It's like baseball because the players have
wooden sticks called hurlers that they use to smack the ball around the field
or into the goals. It's very interesting! Also, no one wears any padding whatsoever, with the exception of a helmet. When
I asked Shauna about it, she laughingly said that a guy who walks out on the field with
shin guards would probably become an instant target.
It was a good time listening to all of the cheering and yelling from the sidelines. It seemed that the team had lots of supporters, and I loved being in the action with them. Also, I got to meet one of Shauna’s friends, Yvonne, and it was really cool for me hang out with the two of them. It's so incredibly fun getting to blend in with the culture, and I could really envision myself fitting in for more than a temporary period.
It was a good time listening to all of the cheering and yelling from the sidelines. It seemed that the team had lots of supporters, and I loved being in the action with them. Also, I got to meet one of Shauna’s friends, Yvonne, and it was really cool for me hang out with the two of them. It's so incredibly fun getting to blend in with the culture, and I could really envision myself fitting in for more than a temporary period.
After the game (or match? I'm not sure what they say), the
plan was for Shauna to drive me back to Dublin, about an hour away. When we
were in the car though, Shauna and Yvonne were telling me about how, usually, the
hurling team goes for drinks at the pub in town. Shauna described it as
compulsory, which I thought was hilarious and accurately describes boys and
their beer. Anyway, she asked me if I’d like to join them and we
spontaneously decided to go! I think we said we'd stay for an hour--but you
know how that goes! It was a really fun evening talking to some locals and
swapping stories. I spoke to one guy who shears sheep for a living, and he told
me that if you don’t shear your sheep for a year, they’ll die. Of course my
next question was: well, what about the wild ones? His response: They’re dead.
Oh, ok then.
It was a fun, hilarious and memorable time. We were there until after midnight and Shauna offered to let me stay the night at her apartment, saying she would drive me home in the morning. Happily, I agreed--the best times are often completely unplanned. After the pub before we headed home, we went to a "chipper" in town, which is what people call a restaurant that serves fish and chips. Don't worry though guys, they had other things besides seafood ;) I got chicken fingers and fries, and the food was almost as good as the company!
Oh, ok then.
It was a fun, hilarious and memorable time. We were there until after midnight and Shauna offered to let me stay the night at her apartment, saying she would drive me home in the morning. Happily, I agreed--the best times are often completely unplanned. After the pub before we headed home, we went to a "chipper" in town, which is what people call a restaurant that serves fish and chips. Don't worry though guys, they had other things besides seafood ;) I got chicken fingers and fries, and the food was almost as good as the company!
In the morning, Shauna
took me to the breakfast place in town that everyone loves called Streetside Café.
We joked that I got the truest Enfield experience--a hurling match, the pub, a
chipper and then Streetside. It was great fun and I'm so glad I got to explore
that cute town. Thanks for the opportunity, Shauna! :) Now come to Florida and
let me return the favor!
Saturday was a pretty lazy day. The girls and I ended up
going out that night, trying to take every opportunity to experience Dublin
while we still can. It was a late night, and I was so tired the next morning! I
had to wake up by 7:30am and it was rough to say the least. You may be wondering why I had to wake up so early on Sunday. Well, I was given a free voucher for a two
day stay in cork, so I cashed that in for Sunday and Monday! Exciting stuff, but I have to say I was exhausted.
So, Sunday
morning, running on barely three hours of sleep, I got up and set out for the
train all by myself!
When I arrived at the station, I figured I should get some tea
to help me wake up. I read straight from the menu while ordering. I wanted the number 3 that said toast with tea or coffee.
Me: "Could I please have toast with tea or coffee?"
Cashier: While giving me a weird look, "Sure...... Would you like tea or coffee?"
It took me a few seconds to actually understand what I'd said and why she thought it was weird. Whoops. I knew I wanted tea in my head, but evidently I was too tired to specify that in my order. Definitely just have to laugh that one off.
Me: "Could I please have toast with tea or coffee?"
Cashier: While giving me a weird look, "Sure...... Would you like tea or coffee?"
It took me a few seconds to actually understand what I'd said and why she thought it was weird. Whoops. I knew I wanted tea in my head, but evidently I was too tired to specify that in my order. Definitely just have to laugh that one off.
The journey was about three hours, so luckily I was able to
take a long nap. I woke feeling a bit more rested in Cork. Since it was nearly
lunch time, I set off to find a little restaurant named Tara's Tea Room. I previously
read about it on trip adviser and it had amazing reviews. Plus, I couldn't
check in to my hotel until 2. Instead of walking with a purpose, I just
moseyed around, allowing myself to be lost. I eventually found it, no taxi
necessary, and had to smile to myself. I've come a long way with my ability to
navigate. It's funny to me because my dad has suggested for years that I trade
my GPS for an actual map. I would always say, “Dad...show me a day that I won't
have my phone to give me directions. Then I'll learn to navigate on my own.”
Well, folks... That day has come. I can only use my phone here when I have Wi-Fi,
which is less than half of the time. Joke's on me. So, daddy, consider this my
white flag. You were right all along. ;) Can't wait to impress you with my
amazing sense of direction! LOOK AT ME NOW!!!
Ok, sorry. I got carried away. Back to what I was saying: I
loved Tara's Tea Room. It was adorable, and I felt like I nailed it finding a hole-in-the-wall
place. Vintage mismatched chairs and tables lined the place with
bookshelves for walls and mason jars for condiments. Ah-dorable! I enjoyed the
atmosphere and the food, as well as the chat I had with the owner. She was so
down to earth and helpful that I wrote a Trip Adviser review less than an
hour after I left. #payitforward
Also, at the table over, I heard a hilarious conversation
between a dad and his sassy seven-ish year old daughter. She was remarking
about hostesses and their greetings. In a mocking tone, she goes, "Would
you like a table?" Then answers herself, saying, "No we will eat on
the floor, thank you. Carpet for two, please!"
Kids, man.
I also eavesdropped on another party (idk, maybe listening
is just something you do more when you travel alone?) who was confused about an
item on the menu. They were looking at the chicken goujons and wondering what
the word meant. It made me laugh to myself because a.) I actually knew the
answer—they’re chicken fingers—and b.) I had the same exact question when I
first got here. Even though it was a small thing, it just kind of reaffirmed that I’ve
already settled in and I’m understanding their terminology more and more.
I’m going to miss Ireland so much.
After lunch, I went to check in to the hotel. It was so nice! The staff was accommodating and the room felt like a little slice of heaven! I'll never take having a TV for granted again!
Once I got all settled at the hotel, I left my stuff and set out to find the bus station. I’d already bought my ticket to Blarney in advance to save the hassle, and I could hop on any outward bus of my choosing to go see the famous castle. With lucky timing, there was a bus leaving only five minutes after I arrived at the stop! I hopped on happily and grabbed a window seat as we set off.
Once I got all settled at the hotel, I left my stuff and set out to find the bus station. I’d already bought my ticket to Blarney in advance to save the hassle, and I could hop on any outward bus of my choosing to go see the famous castle. With lucky timing, there was a bus leaving only five minutes after I arrived at the stop! I hopped on happily and grabbed a window seat as we set off.
I didn’t do much research about the Blarney Stone, if I’m
being honest! The only thing I knew about it was that it was located in Blarney
castle and a lot of people kiss it. So, when I got there, I was surprised about
a few things which I will share now.
- The line to get to the actual stone is so long. I waited for more than an hour!
- To get to the blarney stone, you must first climb a stone spiral staircase of 100 steps to get to the roof of the castle. The staircase is so narrow that it is single file on the way up. There is another staircase once you get to the top that you use to exit. The further you ascend, the more narrow the walls get. At one point, I wasn't sure I was going to make it anymore! The only thing that kept me moving forward was that there were loads of people behind me…
- You have to lie on your back and tilt your head upside down to kiss the stone. There are two employees there around the clock to help out. One to help you scoot back/hold onto you while you plant your smooch, and the other to take a professional photograph. They've totally exploited this thing for all it's worth!
Yikes. |
This is not the winding staircase. This is a staircase that leads to the staircase. So. Much. Waiting. |
The next morning on Monday, I allowed myself to sleep in.
That’s been unusual here! It’s always go, go, go with travelling and sightseeing.
I think I needed to catch up! When I finally resurfaced, I took my time getting
ready and thinking about what I wanted to do that day. That’s the beauty of
travelling alone: you only have to account for yourself. You truly do whatever
it is that you want to do, and I
appreciated that. I also learned the downside of travelling alone, which is not
having anyone to experience things with. I genuinely missed being able to turn
to one of the girls to laugh at something. I suppose
there are pros and cons to both sides!
The first thing I decided to do was experience the local cinema. I ended up going to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 because
the daytime movies are only four euro, and because I’m five years old.
Afterwards, I found the English Market in town, which is one
of my highlights of Cork, hands down. It’s basically an indoor farmer’s market
with tons of different stands. There was fresh fruit, tea, coffee, meat—you
name it, they had it. I stumbled upon an antique shop as well and ended up
spending 45 minutes in there alone. There were so many things to look through,
and even the bookshelves and tables holding the stuff were for sale. I bought
some jewelry and a teapot.
I spent a little bit more of the afternoon shopping around
town, even finding a TK Maxx, which I’m sure you can guess is our equivalent of
a TJ Maxx. But guys…you have to pay for carts. Isn’t that crazy? I kept trying
to yank a cart out of the metal corral, wondering why it wouldn’t release.
That’s when I noticed that there was a slot to insert one euro before the cart
would come out. Ugh! Rather annoying. Also, I was less than pleased to find that
our department stores seem to have much better deals. Isn’t the point of TJ’s the cheap prices? I found the whole thing to be underwhelming, but I’m still
happy I saw it nonetheless. Just another experience to tuck in my back pocket!
I still had the whole evening ahead of me, so I ventured
over to FOTA wildlife park. It’s unlike any zoo I’ve ever been to! It’s set up
to be more like a safari, and it lives up to its positive reputation. I stood five feet
away from giraffes and zebras. I got to watch monkeys and pet a kangaroo. Also, I witnessed a seal being fed and
playing hide 'n seek with the park rangers. The entire place just has a very
natural and outdoorsy feel to it, and I enjoyed experiencing that type of
Alright, I have to tell you about a few cute highlights! For
starters, this little boy was standing near me when the seal was being fed, and he
witnessed the ranger throwing in a whole fish to her. He looks up and asks in
all seriousness, “Mommy, when the fish gets in the water will it be alive again?” The
mom tried to conceal her laugh, but it was just too adorable (especially for me
with his wittle Irish accent).
At another point, this brother and sister were arguing. The
older one, a little girl probably under ten, said, “Mum! I am so wrecked with
The mom let out an exasperated sigh and said, “Oh, you two,
put a cork in it!”
The little brother pipes in and goes, “Hey, we're in Cork mum. Good one!”
I just love family banter. Plus, the little guy had a point!
Eventually, as the day started to unwind, I made my way back
to the hotel to watch some TV and relax. I decided to spoil myself a little
bit, especially since I was fortunate enough to not have to pay for my accommodation.
So, I dialed up room service and placed my order. What a great way to end an
equally as great weekend!
That’s about it! Tuesday
morning, I woke up pretty early and checked out. I had a train to catch,
and as soon as I got back to Dublin I was expected in to work. Suitcases and
all, I made it to the office a little after twelve! :) Though I was tired, I really didn’t mind. I’m trying to soak up all the time I
can in that office, as I’ll miss my coworkers when I have to go back to
the states. I am in such complete shock that I leave in just over a week. I’m
torn; I love Dublin so much, but I also miss my family and the familiarity of
Florida in general. And a sidenote: I’m mildly bummed about missing the Fourth
of July in America but I also wouldn't want to shed a week off my trip. Someone
is setting off fireworks with me on July 12th! Who’s it gonna be?!?!
One last thing, because I can’t resist. Yesterday, I got an
email from US Airways saying my flight home is overbooked and calling for
flexible travelers to change their flights. I read that once over and thought
to myself: this smells like an upgrade!!! Sure enough, I was right. Needless to
say, you can catch me in first class next Saturday. ;) Life. Is. Good.
Thanks for reading, friends! I really can’t wait to see you
all in such a short time. Keep a spot open on the beach for me!
For my last weekend in town, I’m heading off to Belfast in
Northern Ireland! Stay tuned for a post. :)
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